1/48 Decals for F-4D
From 1967 to 1970, the 13th TFS (“The Panther Pack”) served as a fighter element in the 432nd Tactical Reconnaisane Wing at Udorn RTAFB, Flying missions to intercept North Vietnamese supply lines, including bombing, and escorting AC-130 Gunships.This set includes markings for four of the more colourful F-4D’s of the 13th TFS, and is compiled with the generous assistance of Lt. Col. Robert J. “Bob” Bowers USAF (Ret.), pilot of F-4D-32-MC 66-8710 “BLACK MARIAH”.
NOTE: Markings are not provided for national insignia or stencil data.
1/48 Decals "13th TFS F-4D's Over Vietnam"
SKU: D4801