ITA3SS35001 Churchill SuperSet
ITA335069 British Low Profile Cupola for Churchill, Cromwell, Sherman 1/35
ITA335068 NATO 7.62 belts
ITA335066 3 x L1A2 SLR and 1 x L4 LMG (Bren)
ITA335042 MkII Bren
MG34/MG42 ammo drums x10
MG42 with 3 ammo drums
MG34 with 3 ammo drums and optional bipods
ITA335055, Locking Latches for British AFV Stowage Bins
ITA335058 Hatch Latches for Cromwell and Churchill 1/35
ITA335057 GPMG on Swing Arm (positionable)
ITA335056 interwar/early WWII Pyrene extinguishers
ITA335054Centurion Tank Fishtail exhausts
ITA335053 British Cold War AFV Fire Extinguishers
ITA335051 Beretta MG42/59 1/35
ITA335049 NATO 7.62 Ammunition Boxes (x15)
ITA335050 Ukrainian Ferret Conversion 2 (Armoured)
ITA335048 Ukrainian Ferret Conversion
ITA335047 1/35 L7 GPMG x 2 with optional bipods
ITA335040 1/35 L85A2 x4
ITA348024 1/48 L7 GPMG x 2 with optional bipods
ITA348020 1/48 British AFV commander Vane Sights
ITA348021 Churchill / Cromwell/ Sherman low profile cupola 1/48
ITA348023 2 x 1/48 MG42 MGs
ITA348022 2 x 1/48 Bren Mk,II
ITA348019, hatch Latches for British tank hatches
ITA348016 1/48 L85A2 x4
ITA348011 Lee Enfield No.4 [x4] 1/48
1/48 Number 19 set Antenna Basesfor BritisH WWII AFVs
1/48 Churchil Deck Tools (for Tamiya) ITA348004
1/48 British Mid/Late War Fire Extinguishers ITA348003
1/48 Churchill Rear Wall, Outlets and Intake Grills
1/48 Churchill Exhaust ITA348001
1/48 T-55 Headlight ITA348005
ITA324014 NATO 7.62 Ammo Boxes 1/24
ITA324012 NATO 7.62 belts 1/24
ITA324011 L7 GPMG x 2 1/24
ITA324009 1/24 L85A2 SUSAT x 4
ITA324006 L1A1 SLR (3) and L1A2 LMG (1) 1/24
1/24 Larkspur Radio Antenna Bases ITA32004
1/24 Larkspur Radio ITA324003
1/24 Clansman Radios ITA324001
1/24 Clansman Antenna Bases and TUAAM Wing Boxes ITA324002
1/72 Taurus II Engines (set of 2) (maintenance version) for Airfix Beaufort
1/72 Taurus II Engines (set of 2) (closed cowl version) for Airfix
1/72 Vickers K (10 set)
1/72 Bristol Beaufort Mk.I small exterior parts (for Airfix)
1/72 British MkXII 18 in Torpedo
1/72 Bk.5 5CM cannon for Airfix Me.410
ITA348034 1/48 RAF 20lb Bomb (WWI/ Early WWII) x12
ITA348033 Light Bomb Carrier x 4
ITA348029 1/48 .30 cal Twin Browning MG for Airfix Lysander
ITA348032 RAF Universal Bomb Carrier Type EM/EF No.1 MkII
ITA348030 1/48 Vickers K MG for Airfix Lysander
ITA348031 1/48 Lewis 303 MG for Airfix Lysander
ITA348025 Perseus Lysander MkII engine conversionengine set for Airfix Lysander
ITA348026 Mercury XX engine set for Airfix Lysander
1/48 Bristol Bulldog exterior upgrade for AIRFIX
ITA348012 Vickers K [x4] 1/48
ITA332001 Vickers K [x4] 1/32
1/30 French Carbine/ Musk3toon IX pattern x3
1/30 Charleville Musket 1766 pattern